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France-China dialogue on ecological continuity between protected areas
The establishment of a functional network of protected areas across China is crucial to ensure the resilience of associated ecosystems in such a vast territory under increasing anthropogenic pressures. French protected area managers have been conducting experiments on this topic for several years, including cross-border and multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the Interreg Biodiv’Connect and PlanToConnect programs, the Ice & Life program, and initiatives within several regional natural parks in the Alps (POIA Trame préalpes and mature forests).
French protected areas and their European partners have valuable experience to share with China, which aims to benchmark international experiences and develop a dialogue framework around Chinese policies on ecological connectivity. NatureXpairs, mobilizing multiple French and European partners, proposes its support to the Institute of National Parks at Tsinghua University and the Protected Areas Department of NFGA as part of their research and evaluation program on connectivity of protected areas in China.
By leveraging the contributions of various managing partners (AlParcs, Aster CEN Savoie, N2000 Biogeographical Process, etc.), Tsinghua University’s think tank is supported in its reflections and recommendations on Chinese policies regarding ecological connectivity between protected areas through the implementation of two main actions:
- Providing international benchmarking with case studies from France and Europe, in the form of a collection of experiences representing different contexts of objectives and implementation (biogeographies, ecological and economic issues, stakeholders, governance, etc.).
- Sharing expertise and experiences with Chinese stakeholders on ecological connectivity issues, through the organization of one or more study trips to France and Europe on predefined themes (connectivity assessment methods, conservation of large predators, ecological connectivity and adaptation to climate change, etc.).