NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
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Through its variety of ecosystems, its long history of integrated and locally managed protected areas, its range of complementary protection tools and its experience of landscape approaches that include people, France can be a source of inspiration for the creation and management of protected areas beyond its borders, in view of the 2030 milestone.

In France, protected areas and ecological corridors are essential components for the territories undergoing ecological transition. Their networks are established to conserve nature and protect biodiversity while both supporting the economic sustainability of human activities and strengthening social wealth of the territories. Such objectives are supported through a multi-scale biodiversity protection policy implemented through a large diversity of protection models and tools, combined with regulatory approaches, technical and financial incentive measures. Conservation is delivered through a large range of contractual or management modalities that involve civil society organization, local governments and municipalities as well as private landowners or companies in sectors such as agriculture, water, electricity and even ski-resorts of transport. This allows protected areas to match the needs of each territory and, through its inclusive governance, implements a whole-of-society approach. It promotes the French vision and commitment to ensure the access to nature for all.

NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas and People is an alliance of French protected area managers with complementary skills, dedicated to the preservation, conservation and restauration of biodiversity. It provides French expertise to international partners and enriches its own practice through the exchanges of experience with other countries and a concrete peer-to-peer sharing approach.

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We have the remaining years of this decade to put biodiversity on a path to recovery, and that means action now.
David Cooper, Acting Executive Secretary, CBD
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People


As co-chair of the HAC N&P — High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People — France is clearly committed to achieving Target 3 at a global level and to supporting members in implementing this global target.

With this aim, France is setting up a dedicated French working group on Target 3. Co-led by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and relying on the French Biodiversity Agency, this working group is facilitated by, NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas and People. Bringing together French protected area managers and their networks, as well as management support structures, this working group aims to identify, structure and make French expertise on protected areas available to HAC N&P members. Our goal is to improve capacities and develop new approaches to conservation, governance and management on a global scale.

This work of identifying, structuring and making available French expertise will feed directly into the HAC N&P technical assistance matchmaking platform.

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  • Since the beginning of 2023
    HAC N&P secretariat team is recruited
    Development of HAC tools begins, including the 30×30 Solutions Toolkit and the Technical Assistance Matchmaking Platform.

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • August 22 – 26
    GEF General Assembly
    Launch of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, Vancouver
    HAC N&P Side event, Launch of the HAC 30×30 solutions toolkit.

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • September 5 – 27
    78th General Assembly of the United Nations
    High Level event for Nature and People: From Ambition to Action, New York City

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • October 2023
    Launch of the French HAC N&P working group

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • October 19 – 23
    25th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the CBD, Nairobi
    HAC N&P Technical International Steering Committee Meeting
    HAC N&P Side event

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • November 30 – December 12
    HAC N&P Ministerial International Steering Committee Meeting
    HAC N&P Side event, Dubaï

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • January
    Launch of the HAC N&P 30*30 technical explorer

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • March – June 2024
    Delivery of the French contribution to the 30×30 technical explorer

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • June
    UNOC 3
    High level themed event in Costa Rica in preparation of the third UN Ocean Conference in France, Nice, June 2025
    HAC Side-event
    30×30 Workshop
    HAC N&P Side event and NatureXpairs participation to showcase French expertise.

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • July
    Preparatory event for COP 16 for the HAC N&P and Developing Countries and Biodiversity Working Group, in partnership with the IUCN French Committee
    Launch of a platform to animate the community of French actors around protected areas

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • October 7 – 11
    10th IRFN World Ranger Congress, France
    The 10th IRF WRC will focus on the contributions and evolution of the ranger profession to achieve
    KM-GBF Target 3

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
  • October 21 – November 3
    CBD COP 16
    HAC N&P Ministerial International Steering
    Committee Meeting

    NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
Protected areas managers can create bridges for nature,
by passing on knowledge and know-how as well as receiving it.
Naïg Cozannet, AFD – Agence Française de Développement
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
Funded by
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
In support of
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
The French Hub
for Protected Areas & People
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