HAC for N&P Side Event - Jason Dozier

25th Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice – High Ambition Coalition for Nature & People event

The 25th session of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), the technical body of the Convention on Biological Diversity, was held from October 15th to 19th. On the side-lines of this international gathering, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature & People (HAC for N&P) was able to hold two events designed to showcase progresses made towards the support for implementation of target 3 (30by30).

Not only did the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People worked, it succeeded its purposes. We now have to make our engagement tangible, by mobilizing the expertise on protected areas available in each country.” – Adèle Fardoux, French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Ahead of the SBSTTA, on Saturday October 14, members of the HAC for N&P International Steering Committee met to discuss the Secretariat’s progress since COP15, and collectively plan upcoming activities and strategic orientations for 2024. The Secretariat team is now fully staffed, and working on the development of two practical supporting tools. The 30by30 knowledge center called the 30by30 Solutions Toolkit, created in partnership with IUCN-WCPA and TNC, has been finalized and can be consulted at the following address:  https://www.30×30.solutions/ 

Attended by more than 70 participants, the HAC for N&P Secretariat organized a side event on Tuesday, October 17th, to showcase, for the first time, the coalition’s technical and financial matchmaking platform currently under development. With the support of the International Steering Committee, the HAC for N&P Secretariat worked on developing a matchmaking platform aiming at supporting HAC for N&P members in identifying their needs and matchmaking adequate 30by30 technical and financial assistance. The Secretariat was able to give a live demonstration which sparked strong positive support from participants willing to know more about how to identify their expertise, available financial expertise as well as modalities to participate in regional workshops of the HAC for N&P Secretariat. Thirty-four technical/financial offers were already showcased within the platform without having been officially launched. The Secretariat is working on an official launch at the climate COP28 during Nature Day on the 9th of December.

Now that the technical and financial assistance platform is developed, we must ensure that every member of the HAC knows how to use it. 2024 will be a critical year to organise regional workshops and maintain the political momentum on Target 3 implementation.” – Jason Dozier, HAC N&P Secretariat

As part of its role as coordinator of the French HAC for N&P working group, NatureXpairs is mobilizing French protected area stakeholders to compile the expertise that can be shared      internationally. In partnership with the HAC for N&P Secretariat, NatureXpairs has listed the first contributions of French expertise to the matchmaking platform. This French contribution of some fifteen offers of assistance supported the operationalization of the platform’s “match-making” function, and acted as a leverage to encourage contributions from other HAC for N&P member countries. A catch-up session to showcase the matchmaking platform developed by the HAC for N&P Secretariat will be organized in English, Spanish and French. Those online sessions will be taking place on November 2nd. Registration will be available on the HAC N&P website: https://www.hacfornatureandpeople.org/

Funded by
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
In support of
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
The French Hub
for Protected Areas & People
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