

Initiated by the four main networks of protected areas in France, the project is of interest to all protected area managers and, as part of France’s contribution to the HAC N&P, mobilizes a wide array of stakeholders involved in protected areas creation and management. This forms a unique offer of expertise for worldwide protected areas managers interested in delivering on the KM-GBF Target 3.

Conservatoires d’espaces naturels
Established in 1976, 23 Natural Area Conservancies operate in France on a coherent, functional network of 4,100 natural sites, covering 270,000 ha in mainland France and its overseas, over 4,500 municipalities. They contribute to the understanding, protection, management and enhancement of natural environments, and to the development of regional projects. They are grouped together within the Fédération des Conservatoires d’Espaces Naturels, whose main mission is to represent the network and encourage exchanges between its members, in order to strengthen their action in the field.
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French National Parks
Since 1963, French National Parks are the emblem of the national commitment to nature conservation. Across France and overseas territories, the eleven French National Parks offer a network of places considered remarkable for their natural and cultural diversity: Vanoise, Port-Cros, Pyrénées, Cévennes, Écrins, Mercantour, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, La Réunion, Calanques and Forest National Park. They cover almost 8 % of the country and attract more than 10 million visitors every year. With the aim of preserving and sharing nature, French National Parks are places of innovation and their model has received international recognition.
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Parcs naturels régionaux de France
Founded in 1967, based on the presence of areas of national natural, cultural or landscape interest, the mission of each Natural Regional Park in France is to protect and manage this heritage, promote economic and social development, and welcome, educate and inform the public. A regional nature park project is drawn up under the responsibility of the French regions. As of August 2023, there are 58 regional nature parks in France. The Fédération des Parcs Naturels de France is their voice and contributes to the implementation of public policies for the development of rural areas.
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Réserves Naturelles de France
Created in 1982, Réserves Naturelles de France (RNF) runs a network of 359 Nature Reserves (as of August 2023), protecting over 171 million hectares of the French territory (including its Overseas and Corsica), around 3 main missions: to manage, protect and raise awareness. Bringing together 700 members, more than 1,000 employees, 215 management organizations, volunteers, experts and local authorities, RNF constitutes a driving force in the protection of France’s biodiversity and geological heritage. More than 12 million visitors come to the Nature Reserves every year.
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French Protected Areas Managers are lovers of their territory and offer a current perspective on the issues that arise.
Pauline Teillac-Deschamps, Expertise France
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People


The NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas and People is supported by various French institutions:
The French Ministry of Ecological Transition
The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
The French Biodiversity Agency (OFB)

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Implemented by
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
In support of
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
Funded by
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
The French Hub
for Protected Areas & People