© COP28 - UAE

COP 28: Momentum on the HAC

The 28th United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) will be held from November 30 to December 12, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. December 9 will be specially dedicated to nature, land use and oceans, with a particular focus on HAC progress.

COP28 in the United Arab Emirates will be a key moment for the world to evaluate the progress made under the Paris Agreement. It will also be the opportunity to take look at the progress in terms of biodiversity, particularly since the adoption of the KM-GBF in December 2022. The operationalization of the High Ambition Coalition will be highlighted during different side-events organized during Nature, Land Use and Oceans Day, with a review of the progress made over the past year.

The HAC N&P secretariat team is currently constructing its first operational tools, including the HAC Knowledge Platform for sharing knowledge and best practices, and the 30×30 Technical Assistance Explorer and 30×30 Funds Explorer for networking requests and offers for technical assistance and financial assistance

As co-chair of the HAC N&P, France is contributing to the operationalization of the HAC N&P. With this aim,  France is setting up a dedicated French working group on Target 3. Facilitated by NatureXpairs and bringing together French protected areas managers and their networks, as well as management support structures, this working group aims to identify, structure and make French expertise on protected areas available to HAC N&P members.

With COP 28 about to kick off, Naturexpairs – together with the secretariat of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, is organizing a side-event on the 10th of December, hosted at the French Pavilion. Organized into several segments, the side-event will feature a political momentum dedicated to the statements and commitments of coalition member countries, and a technical segment dedicated to showcase the French expertise on climate change adaptation in protected areas, highlighting France’s progress on COP15 30×30 target through the French HAC N&P working group.

Side-Event COP 28

View COP28 full program+

View COP28 french pavilion full program+

Funded by
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
In support of
NatureXpairs, the French Hub for Protected Areas & People
The French Hub
for Protected Areas & People
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